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I Love You, My Little Dinosaur


Encourage your little dinosaur to let out their proudest roar in this touching picture book for kids, the perfect Valentine's Day gift!

Celebrate your favorite little dino and what makes them fiercely one-of-a-kind in this inspiring book about unconditional love. Filled with vibrant art of dinosaurs like Triceratops, T. rex, Stegosaurus, and more, this heartfelt self-esteem story features affirmational encouragement as a child grows and touches on timeless themes of kindness, perseverance, courage, and dreaming big. Perfect for sharing with your roarsome dinosaur to show just how much joy they bring, this sweet read aloud will become a favorite bedtime story for children, parents, and grandparents alike!

You're fierce and strong, my dinosaur, in all you say and do.

And I hope you'll always remember I love you through and through...

The best encouragement book gift for:

  • Children ages 3-7 who love dinosaur stories!
  • Holiday stocking or Easter basket stuffers
  • Preschool and kindergarten graduations
  • Mother's and Father's Day "I love you" gifts for parents and grandparents
  • Boys' and girls' birthdays
  • and more!

  • Titelbeschreibungstext maximieren
    Herausgeber: Sourcebooks

    OverDrive Read

    • ISBN: 9781728268385
    • Freigabedatum: 5. Dezember 2023



    OverDrive Read



    Encourage your little dinosaur to let out their proudest roar in this touching picture book for kids, the perfect Valentine's Day gift!

    Celebrate your favorite little dino and what makes them fiercely one-of-a-kind in this inspiring book about unconditional love. Filled with vibrant art of dinosaurs like Triceratops, T. rex, Stegosaurus, and more, this heartfelt self-esteem story features affirmational encouragement as a child grows and touches on timeless themes of kindness, perseverance, courage, and dreaming big. Perfect for sharing with your roarsome dinosaur to show just how much joy they bring, this sweet read aloud will become a favorite bedtime story for children, parents, and grandparents alike!

    You're fierce and strong, my dinosaur, in all you say and do.

    And I hope you'll always remember I love you through and through...

    The best encouragement book gift for:

  • Children ages 3-7 who love dinosaur stories!
  • Holiday stocking or Easter basket stuffers
  • Preschool and kindergarten graduations
  • Mother's and Father's Day "I love you" gifts for parents and grandparents
  • Boys' and girls' birthdays
  • and more!

  • Titelbeschreibungstext maximieren