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X-Force (2019), Volume 7

Collects X-Force (2019) 39-42. It's a new era for X-Force - and a new era means new members! Laura Kinney, A.K.A. Wolverine, and Piotr Rasputin, A.K.A. Colossus, join the team. Let's just hope one of them isn't harboring a deadly secret that's set to destroy their teammates! The revamped squad must contend with Beast's plans, as well as a blast from the past - and future! The once-Kid Omega is back! But where has he been? What's different about him? And where is he taking the team? Mysteries will be revealed as Hank McCoy's dark agenda is fully exposed! But what will this revelation mean for mutantkind, and does X-Force still have time to stop what's been set in motion?

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Collects X-Force (2019) 39-42. It's a new era for X-Force - and a new era means new members! Laura Kinney, A.K.A. Wolverine, and Piotr Rasputin, A.K.A. Colossus, join the team. Let's just hope one of them isn't harboring a deadly secret that's set to destroy their teammates! The revamped squad must contend with Beast's plans, as well as a blast from the past - and future! The once-Kid Omega is back! But where has he been? What's different about him? And where is he taking the team? Mysteries will be revealed as Hank McCoy's dark agenda is fully exposed! But what will this revelation mean for mutantkind, and does X-Force still have time to stop what's been set in motion?

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