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The Little Book of Rhymes and Nonsense for Children


After being involved in a tragic house fire rescue 30 years ago. Terry received a bravery award in recognition of his actions, because of the tragedy Terry suffered post-traumatic stress. To help him cope he turned to writing poetry which helped him tremendously. When his two daughters were little, he would make up stories at bed time. Terry repeated this years later to his grandchildren. Terry found that he needed to have a good memory as they kept on asking him to repeat their favourite stories, so to help him remember he started to write them down, and from that came along the idea of this book of nonsense rhymes and poems for children.

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Herausgeber: Grosvenor House Publishing

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781839759321
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Januar 2022


  • ISBN: 9781839759321
  • Dateigröße: 141 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Januar 2022


OverDrive Read



After being involved in a tragic house fire rescue 30 years ago. Terry received a bravery award in recognition of his actions, because of the tragedy Terry suffered post-traumatic stress. To help him cope he turned to writing poetry which helped him tremendously. When his two daughters were little, he would make up stories at bed time. Terry repeated this years later to his grandchildren. Terry found that he needed to have a good memory as they kept on asking him to repeat their favourite stories, so to help him remember he started to write them down, and from that came along the idea of this book of nonsense rhymes and poems for children.

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