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What is Property?


French printer and pamphleteer Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was an autodidact who became increasingly interested in political philosophy and rose from humble roots to engage in discourse and debate with some of the top thinkers of the day, including Karl Marx. Based in part on the discussion in What is Property?, Proudhon refined the political theory of anarchy and was one of the first known thinkers to call himself an anarchist. A must-read for anyone interested in delving into the roots of capitalism.

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Herausgeber: Duke Classics

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781620123669
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012


  • ISBN: 9781620123669
  • Dateigröße: 508 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

Open EPUB-ebook

  • ISBN: 9781620123669
  • Dateigröße: 504 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012


OverDrive Read
Open EPUB-ebook



French printer and pamphleteer Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was an autodidact who became increasingly interested in political philosophy and rose from humble roots to engage in discourse and debate with some of the top thinkers of the day, including Karl Marx. Based in part on the discussion in What is Property?, Proudhon refined the political theory of anarchy and was one of the first known thinkers to call himself an anarchist. A must-read for anyone interested in delving into the roots of capitalism.

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  • Details

    Duke Classics

    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781620123669
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

    ISBN: 9781620123669
    Dateigröße: 508 KB
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

    Open EPUB-ebook
    ISBN: 9781620123669
    Dateigröße: 504 KB
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

  • Ersteller
  • Formate
    OverDrive Read
    Open EPUB-ebook
  • Sprachen