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Thuvia, Maid of Mars

Immer verfügbar

Think Edgar Rice Burroughs' additions to the literary canon begin and end with Tarzan? Think again. Burroughs produced popular works in virtually every genre, and he made important early contributions to the science fiction and fantasy fields, as well. Thuvia, Maid of Mars is an interplanetary romp that includes something for everyone—fantasy, romance, and rip-roaring adventure.

Reihe: Barsoom Herausgeber: Duke Classics

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781620120293
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012


  • ISBN: 9781620120293
  • Dateigröße: 302 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

Open EPUB-ebook

  • ISBN: 9781620120293
  • Dateigröße: 299 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

Immer verfügbar


OverDrive Read
Open EPUB-ebook



Think Edgar Rice Burroughs' additions to the literary canon begin and end with Tarzan? Think again. Burroughs produced popular works in virtually every genre, and he made important early contributions to the science fiction and fantasy fields, as well. Thuvia, Maid of Mars is an interplanetary romp that includes something for everyone—fantasy, romance, and rip-roaring adventure.

  • Herausgeber:
    Duke Classics

    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781620120293
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

    ISBN: 9781620120293
    Dateigröße: 302 KB
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

    Open EPUB-ebook
    ISBN: 9781620120293
    Dateigröße: 299 KB
    Freigabedatum: 22. Februar 2012

  • OverDrive Read
    Open EPUB-ebook
  • Englisch