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The Woman in White


The Woman in White is credited with being the first of the sensation novels, and one of the finest examples of the genre. A young woman's husband defrauds her of her fortune, her identity and eventually her sanity. She is saved by her sister and a loyal man who loves her, and her two rescuers attempt to expose her husband. They meet a woman dressed all in white whose fate seems curiously intertwined with that of the young woman. In the tradition of the sensation novel, the story contravenes boundaries of class, identity and the private and public spheres.

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Herausgeber: Duke Classics

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781620114537
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012


  • ISBN: 9781620114537
  • Dateigröße: 654 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012

Open EPUB-ebook

  • ISBN: 9781620114537
  • Dateigröße: 648 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012



OverDrive Read
Open EPUB-ebook




Lexile® Measure:790

The Woman in White is credited with being the first of the sensation novels, and one of the finest examples of the genre. A young woman's husband defrauds her of her fortune, her identity and eventually her sanity. She is saved by her sister and a loyal man who loves her, and her two rescuers attempt to expose her husband. They meet a woman dressed all in white whose fate seems curiously intertwined with that of the young woman. In the tradition of the sensation novel, the story contravenes boundaries of class, identity and the private and public spheres.

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  • Details

    Duke Classics

    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781620114537
    Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012

    ISBN: 9781620114537
    Dateigröße: 654 KB
    Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012

    Open EPUB-ebook
    ISBN: 9781620114537
    Dateigröße: 648 KB
    Freigabedatum: 20. Februar 2012

  • Ersteller
  • Formate
    OverDrive Read
    Open EPUB-ebook
  • Sprachen
  • Stufen
    Lexile® Measure: 790
    Textschweregrad: 3-4
  • Rezensionen