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Talk Nerdy to Me

A strait-laced teen finds herself living an Anne of Green Gables romance in this swoon-worthy tale by the author of The Boy Next Story.
Eliza Gordon-Fergus is an expert rule-follower. She has to be; her scientist parents dictate her day-to-day decisions, and forbid her from dating. Which is why she finds Curtis Cavendish maddening. He's never punished for his class clown antics—and worse, his mischief actually masks brilliance. Like, give-Eliza-a-run-for-valedictorian brilliance.
When Eliza reads Frankenstein for English class, she's left feeling more like an experiment than a daughter. Curtis agrees to trade her Anne of Green Gables under one condition: She has to beat him at the science fair. Eliza knows they're supposed to be competing, but the more time they spend together, the more she realizes she's in over her head. Because one thing's certain about Curtis: He makes Eliza want to break all the rules.
"Fans will be thrilled with this third installment in the Bookish Boyfriends series that focuses on brainy Eliza and her intellectual equal. . . . Sure to leave romantics with an afterglow." —Kirkus Reviews

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Herausgeber: ABRAMS, Inc.

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781683357353
  • Freigabedatum: 12. April 2022


  • ISBN: 9781683357353
  • Dateigröße: 2407 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 12. April 2022



OverDrive Read



A strait-laced teen finds herself living an Anne of Green Gables romance in this swoon-worthy tale by the author of The Boy Next Story.
Eliza Gordon-Fergus is an expert rule-follower. She has to be; her scientist parents dictate her day-to-day decisions, and forbid her from dating. Which is why she finds Curtis Cavendish maddening. He's never punished for his class clown antics—and worse, his mischief actually masks brilliance. Like, give-Eliza-a-run-for-valedictorian brilliance.
When Eliza reads Frankenstein for English class, she's left feeling more like an experiment than a daughter. Curtis agrees to trade her Anne of Green Gables under one condition: She has to beat him at the science fair. Eliza knows they're supposed to be competing, but the more time they spend together, the more she realizes she's in over her head. Because one thing's certain about Curtis: He makes Eliza want to break all the rules.
"Fans will be thrilled with this third installment in the Bookish Boyfriends series that focuses on brainy Eliza and her intellectual equal. . . . Sure to leave romantics with an afterglow." —Kirkus Reviews

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