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The Sacred Fount


If you associate Henry James with nothing but fussy, mannered drawing-room dramas, the novel The Sacred Fount will come as a pleasant surprise. During the course of what should be a relaxing weekend getaway in the country, the narrator begins to sense that something is amiss. The first clue comes in a series of ever-so-slight shifts in the personalities and behaviors of his fellow guests. Is it all in his head, or has he stumbled across a mystery?

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Herausgeber: Duke Classics

OverDrive Read

  • ISBN: 9781634211826
  • Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014


  • ISBN: 9781634211826
  • Dateigröße: 362 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014

Open EPUB-ebook

  • ISBN: 9781634211826
  • Dateigröße: 358 KB
  • Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014


OverDrive Read
Open EPUB-ebook



If you associate Henry James with nothing but fussy, mannered drawing-room dramas, the novel The Sacred Fount will come as a pleasant surprise. During the course of what should be a relaxing weekend getaway in the country, the narrator begins to sense that something is amiss. The first clue comes in a series of ever-so-slight shifts in the personalities and behaviors of his fellow guests. Is it all in his head, or has he stumbled across a mystery?

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  • Details

    Duke Classics

    OverDrive Read
    ISBN: 9781634211826
    Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014

    ISBN: 9781634211826
    Dateigröße: 362 KB
    Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014

    Open EPUB-ebook
    ISBN: 9781634211826
    Dateigröße: 358 KB
    Freigabedatum: 12. August 2014

  • Ersteller
  • Formate
    OverDrive Read
    Open EPUB-ebook
  • Sprachen