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And Then Comes Summer


"Summer's smells, sounds, rhythms, and rituals unspool luxuriantly in this tribute to the season." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
When the days stretch out like a slow yawn, and the night is full of crickets singing . . . then it's time to get ready for summer! From fireworks and ice-cream trucks, to lemonade stands and late bedtimes, to swimming in the lake and toasting marshmallows, there's something for everyone in this bright and buoyant celebration of the sunny season. Tom Brenner's lovely, lyrical ode to summers spent outdoors will strike a chord with anyone who's ever counted down the days until school gets out, and Jaime Kim's jubilant, nostalgia-soaked illustrations leave little doubt that summer is indeed a time unlike any other.

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OverDrive Read





"Summer's smells, sounds, rhythms, and rituals unspool luxuriantly in this tribute to the season." —Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
When the days stretch out like a slow yawn, and the night is full of crickets singing . . . then it's time to get ready for summer! From fireworks and ice-cream trucks, to lemonade stands and late bedtimes, to swimming in the lake and toasting marshmallows, there's something for everyone in this bright and buoyant celebration of the sunny season. Tom Brenner's lovely, lyrical ode to summers spent outdoors will strike a chord with anyone who's ever counted down the days until school gets out, and Jaime Kim's jubilant, nostalgia-soaked illustrations leave little doubt that summer is indeed a time unlike any other.

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